Embleton, Northumberland
The Fallen of Embleton
A tribute to the men of Embleton who fell in The Great War.
They called it The Great War, the war to end all wars – World War 1 which began on 4th August 1914 and was to last for five long, terrible years. Millions died in horrific conditions – gassed, blown to bits by hostile fire, sucked down by rain-sodden mud and much, much more.
Among those who perished were a few men from our own area who are commemorated on the Embleton War Memorial in Spitalford Cemetery, on the Embleton School Honours Board, on a tray which belonged to the URC church Embleton and in Holy Trinity Church Embleton.
This book seeks to describe the backgrounds and lives of these men, in as far as the authors are able, and to trace what happened to them after they enlisted, the battles they engaged in, how and where they met their end and their final resting places.
Download the book below:
- 1 – Names on Memorials, Index, Introduction and Explanatory Terms
- 2 – Chapter 1 (1914), Chapter 2 (1915) and Chapter 3 (1916)
- 3 – Chapter 4 (1917)
- 4 – Chapter 5 (1918) and Chapter 6 (1919)
- 5 – After the War, Appendix and Acknowledgements
Alternatively you can download the whole book by clicking here – please note this may take some time due to the size of the publication
For more information on memorials, plaques etc. of these and others that have fallen, please visit the North East War Memorials Project site at www.newmp.org.uk.